Welwyn Garden Swimming Club


  • It is always good to have more volunteers than the minimum required.
  • This helps to spread the load, and enables us to take part in and organise galas when some volunteers are unavailable.
  • For the same reason we encourage volunteers to cross train in multiple roles.

  • Committee Roles

    Role Description Volunteers Required
    Chairperson The Chairperson is head of the table at the monthly committee meetings (held online). They set the agenda, collect inputs from the other committee members, take votes, and allocate actions. The chairperson also hosts the Annual General Meeting (Open to the membership). Where the year’s achievements are summarised, the budget is announced, and the direction for the coming year is presented. 1 required,
    1 in post
    Committee Member Committee members attend monthly zoom meetings, lasting around 1 hour. They vote on agenda items, and volunteer to carry out actions decided upon by the committee. 7 required,
    8 in post
    Communications officer The communications officer is a committee member, who takes responsibility for sending email communications from the committee to the membership. 1 required,
    1 in post
    Gala Secretary The Gala Secretary is a committee member who takes special responsibility for organising our club hosted galas (Isabella, Goldstone and Club Champs). This role involves several hours of work in the run up to each of these events. 1 required,
    0 in post
    Membership Secretary The membership secretary is responsible for contacting prospective new members. Liaising with the head coach to set up trials. And then setting up new members in our members database. 1 required,
    1 in post
    Club Secretary The club secretary will take minutes for all committee and AGM meetings as well as their distribution as required. They will also liaise with the membership secretary on similar tasks as well as being able to authorise payments when required. 1 required,
    1 in post
    Treasurer The treasurer is responsible for implementing the annual budget. Arranging payment for venue hire. Collecting members dues and swim england dues. 1 required,
    1 in post
    Vice Chairperson The Vice Chairperson assists, and on occasion stands in for the Chairperson. 1 required,
    0 in post
    Welfare officer Welfare officers are there to ensure compliance with Swim England’s welfare rules. The commitment is to undergo around 3 hours of training. And to be available ad hoc for any welfare issues arising from the membership. 2 required,
    1 in post
    Swim Shop Officer The shop will look after all club kit refilling stock and supplementing membership orders as required. 1 required,
    1 in post
    SwimMark Coordinator You’ll be a point of contact for Swim England to make sure the club continues to be accredited with Swim England’s Swim Mark. You will also be a point of contact for managing training requirements for the volunteer base in their various roles. Will involve liaising with the secretary to get any Swim England related items on to the agenda of the monthly committee meetings. 1 required,
    1 in post
    Website Administrator You’ll update the website when required, following the committee meetings. Once you’re set up, this requires an hour or so of work every month. 1 required,
    1 in post


    Role Description Volunteers Required
    Swim Coach Coach the squads, and take charge of the kid’s swimming development. Extensive training provided. 2+ required
    Lifesaving Coach Teach lifesaving techniques in and around water. Extensive training provided. 2 required

    Gala Roles

    Role Description Volunteers Required
    Team manager You will attend galas, and make sure that the kids know when they are racing, and get to the starting block on time.This role requires 5-6 hours of formal training. And a DBS check.
    What to do Team Managers do at a gala?
    2+ required
    Timekeeper You attend galas. You’re allocated a lane. You start a stopwatch on the klaxon, and stop it when your swimmer touches the tiles. This role requires a couple of hours of online training. 2+ required
    Judge Level 1 (J1) You observe the competitors, and make sure they have a legal swim (Ie. good start, good turns, and a correct stroke). This role requires a couple of hours of formal training. 2+ required
    Starter (J2S) You will need to be a qualified judge (Judge level 2) first in order to progress further down this route. They control the “on your marks....BEEP” at galas. 1+ required
    Referee You will need to be a qualified judge (J2S) first in order to progress further down this route. The referee is responsible for the whole gala, they have the FINAL decision. 1+ required
    Announcer This role is for each of our club hosted galas. You welcome the attendees, announce the events, and announce the results. You must be able to use a microphone. 1+ required
    Recorder of Results Following each race, you’ll collect the times from each of the time keepers, and put them together for the announcer. 1+ required
    Workforce Coordinator The workforce coordinator ensures that all gala staff are ready to perform their role, that each lane has a timekeeper, etc 1+ required